我的敘畫人生 | my life as a scribe
這個縮時影片是2010年6月時製作並提交給 The Value Web 國際價值創新組織, 當時因世界經濟論壇會議(夏季達沃斯) 九月在天津召開,他們需要在亞太地區尋找雙語的敘畫(Scribing)紀錄者, 這封「尋人啟事」的信透過樊哲賢老師輾轉到了我的信箱裡,我也寄了我的履歷,初步大意是:「謝謝妳的回應,但為了確定妳可能是我們要尋找的候選人,請提交′′一幅3分鐘對話, 新聞或文章的畫′′, 以讓我們做出最終決定。」
這是我第一次接觸Scribing(敘畫)的時刻, 也是我第一次聽到有關視覺紀錄 知識工作, 視覺引導,MG Taylor Methodology等….當時的我一點知識或技能都沒有, 甚至沒有任何作品,所以我決定自己創造一個作品吧。
時間緊迫下,我選擇了天津夏季達沃斯論壇的新聞文字稿, 自己讀完, 錄下來, 然後找了一個有大白板的地下室, 基本上畫了又擦,擦了又畫的靠有限的想像, 滿頭大汗地搞了將近三個小時,朋友幫忙一旁側拍把過程都錄下來,最後用很簡單的剪輯軟體,刪刪剪剪成一個小短片 , 剛剛好超過3分鐘一點點.
其實按下「寄送」鍵前,我緊張到不行, 甚至挺害怕的, 因為我不知道會發生甚麼事, 加上視訊的品質不好又粗糙,心中一堆自我評判….. 但是。。。我還是決定發出去。。。。隔了一天後, 我的信箱裡傳來了Jodi Engelberg的信,基本上是寫說: ′′你就是我們要找的人….’
其他的都是歷史,有機會後述,那是我生命中一個重大轉捩點,我(重生)出生了, 2010那年, 這份「志業」找到我,它就像原野裡的繆思,悄然來到面前,我不知道那會是什麼,即使我很害怕,但我選擇說了「YES」,於是,這個「YES」開啟了我的敘畫人生。
「How did you start entering this field of practice?」
「Why do you have so much passion for it?」
「What keeps you on this path all these years?」
I have been asked many questions like those above, it gave me an opportunity to pause and reflect during this disruptive year of 2020, some contemplation and realization, about seeds, chances, courage and source.
Once upon a time, a email landed in my inbox, it was referred by a teacher of mine, Mr. Jason Fan, so this video clip was created and submitted to The Value Web in June 2010, as my way of responding to the Bird Call, when they were looking for a bilingual scribe in Asia Pacific region, specifically for the World Economic Forum Meeting (Summer Davos) in Tianjin, I was required to submit ‘a piece of drawing of a 3 mins conversation, news or article’ so they can make the final decision based on my submission of work if I am the right candidate.
That was the moment of my first contact with scribing, and my very first time ever heard of graphic recording, knowledge working, graphic facilitation etc….I have ZERO knowledge or skill, or even ‘work sample’ at all, so I decided to create one instead.
I picked out the news release of the Summer Davos in Tianjin, read it through, record it, then found a basement with a big whiteboard, basically just drew it while a friend of mine filmed it and put everything together as a time-lapse video, just well over 3 mins.
I was nervous, even scared, because I didn’t know what would happen, the quality of video was poor and rough…..then I sent it, and almost a day after, Jodi Engelberg from The Value Web wrote back and literally said: ‘You are the person we are looking for….’
And the rest is history, I was (re)born, the year of 2010, my life as a scribe.
To be continued.